Kindness in Beaufort, NC
During the week of February 13-17, our Seadog students found ways to "Be Mindful to Be Kindful" each day. Our school celebrated a Kindness Spirit Week with themes each day and also discussed and focused on a daily Kindness Challenge. Our school incorporates a social and emotional learning block into each day, so we like to think that kindness isn't something we focus on just during designated weeks. We let our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) expectations to "Be Safe. Be Helpful. Be Kind." steer the operations and processes of our school while guiding our students to make good decisions. It is our hope that we are not only preparing our students for academic success in life but also to be responsible, productive citizens who let kindness for our world and others reflect in their actions and daily choices.
We are recognizing students for demonstrating kindness with the "Be Mindful to Be Kindful" badges.
*Below is the Kindness Spirit Week information. Please note that Monday, 2/13 was changed to Young Waterfowler Day with camo in memory of the East Carteret High School students who were lost in a plane crash on 2/13/22. The original theme for that day was "Kind words brighten other people's day" and students were to wear bright colors.
Karen Wood, Principal
Beaufort Elementary School